At This Hour Dan Thomas Update

9 weeks ago Trucks carrying aid have rolled across a newly built U.S. pier … to the Gaza strip for the first time. The shipment is the first in an operation that American military officials anticipate could scale up to 150 truckloads a day. It comes as Israeli restrictions on border crossings and heavy fighting hindered the delivery of food and other supplies seven months into the Israel-Hamas war. Before the war, more than 500 truckloads entered the territory on an average day.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is concluding a two-day visit to China by emphasizing the countries' strategic ties as well as his own personal relationship with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. They seek to present an alternative to U.S. global influence. Putin made a back-handed rebuke for the U.S., and others who oppose the Moscow-Beijing relationship, saying an “emerging multipolar world ... is now taking shape before our eyes.” Putin praised their bilateral trade as he toured a China-Russia Expo in northeast China and met students at the Harbin Institute of Technology, which is said to work closely with the People’s Liberation Army.