At This Hour With Dan Thomas

4 weeks ago
South Korea’s military says North Korea is again flying balloons likely carrying trash toward the South, adding to a bizarre psychological warfare campaign amid tensions between the war-divided rivals. North Korea in recent weeks has flown more than 2,000 balloons carrying waste paper, cloth scraps and cigarette butts toward the South in what it has described as a retaliation for South Korean civilian activists flying anti-Pyongyang propaganda leaflets across the border.

Israeli Strike Targets Command Center in School

Palestinian Authorities claim 80 killed

Palestinian health authorities say an Israeli airstrike hit a school-turned-shelter in Gaza City, killing at least 80 people. The Israeli military acknowledged the strike, claiming it hit a Hamas command center within the school. Hamas denied using the school as a command center. Since the war began Oct. 7, more than 80 percent of Gaza’s pre-war population of 2.3 million have been driven from their homes.

Violence Breaks out in Libya

Libyan officials say clashes between two heavily armed militia groups in the country’s capital terrorized residents and killed about a dozen people, the latest bout of violence in the largely lawless North African nation.