Dennis and Julie: What Makes an Individual?

Dennis and Julie Weekends at 3PM ET
21 weeks ago Dennis and Julie analyze the power of the aural and the visual. Is it inauthentic to have a bookshelf full of books that you haven’t read? Social media has bred an increase in posturing, posing, and homogenization in humanity. What does it mean to be an individual? Is being authentic and being an individual synonymous? Where does individuality end and “being a nut” begin? Other topics include: Exacerbated Posturing; The Uniform of Nonconformity; Know Thyself; Wherever you go, there you are; Clothing matters; Dennis listens to some rap; Popular is the antidote to individuality; Dennis has bars?!

Music: Straight to the Point c 2022
Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%
Richard Friedman Writers 100%