Terror At The Southern Border, Former Chief Told Not To Report Terrorists Released Into The U.S.

3 weeks ago As the crisis at the southern border continues to impact the country, we took a trip to south Texas to get the 441 on the terror threat that’s facing the nation….
A more than 3000% increase in illegal migrants - who are on the terror watchlist - have come into the country since the start of the Biden-Harris Administration. And that’s not even the most shocking fact that came from a hearing in D.C. where a former Border patrol chief testified that he, and the rest of border patrol were essentially muzzled by the higher ups in the federal government
At that hearing - that dove into the terror threat at the southern border - Retired San Diego Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke testified that he was ordered by the Biden-Harris Administration not to report illegal border crossers with ties to terrorism, or publicize arrests of illegal border crossers identified as “Significant Interest Aliens” with ties to terrorism so they could make the American public believe, that there is not a threat at the border.
Listen to this, during the 4 years Donald Trump was in office, only 11 migrants with ties to terrorism arrived at the border, Meanwhile the Biden Harris Administration has allowed 332 illegal migrants with ties to terrorism into the country.
According to Heitke, that doesn’t include the ones they don’t know about that came across with the more than 2 million gotaways that are in the country right now - saying 'We have no idea who and what entered our country'