Texas Tripling Down On Razor Wire At The Southern Border, Troops Seen Installing Barrier In El Paso Area

3 weeks ago Texas is doubling down on protecting the US – Mexico border with plans to put up more barriers to keep illegal migrants out. We wanted to take a look for ourselves, so we took a trip to South Texas.
Just days after Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced he would be defying the Biden-Harris administration and tripling the amount of razor wire here at the southern border – Troops started installing the wire and fencing in the El Paso area
Texas Army National Guard troops were laying fencing and additional rows of razor wire in the El Paso area. Soldiers were seen laying the razor wire and installing the fencing west of El Paso, near New Mexico.
And, this isn’t the first time Governor Abbott took steps to stop illegal migrants coming into the country through New Mexico – from spilling into Texas, in fact, earlier this year troops put up razor wire where the river turns North Into New Mexico.
As of April of this Year, Gov. Abbott said Troops installed more than 100 miles of wire.
The governor also continuing to invest in Operation Lonestar - a program launched in 2021 and designed to protect the people of Texas and the U.S. – by securing the southern border.
In fact, the operation has reduced the number of illegal migrants crossing into the state of Texas by 85% - Something he says the Biden- Harris Administration is trying to take credit for – but says its easy to prove that’s not the case.
While the number of illegal migrants crossing in Texas is drastically lower, the numbers in New Mexico, Arizona and California have increased – proving his border wall, security, and plan are working.
According to Border Patrol, the Santa Teresa Border Patrol Station in southern New Mexico is one of the busiest in the nation when it comes to illegal migration