‘There Was No Arlington Altercation’ Trump Advisor Fires Back At Media Reports

7 weeks ago Trump Senior Advisor Jason Miller is speaking out, saying that mainstream media reports of an altercation at Arlington National Cemetery, involving President Trump and his campaign staff, are not true – the situation he said was completely blown out of proportion. Trump was invited by some of the Gold Star Families of the 13 service members who were killed in Afghanistan and all the rules were followed.
The U.S. army released a statement condemning President Trump for honoring the fallen soldiers saying it’s illegal to conduct political activities at Arlington Cemetery adding that an employee was “abruptly pushed aside”
However, social media users were quick to react, pulling up a political ad of Joe Biden from 2020. In the video Biden is standing over a tomb in Arlington, and nothing was said about his actions.
Plus, Lucas O’Hara a U.S. Veteran said he was there, and saw no such altercation saying that in over 75 wreath laying ceremonies, and 524 funerals he’s never seen a more respectful and solemn ceremony - There were no speeches, no angles, no weird photo ops just our elected officials and the 45th President respectfully and solemnly honoring the fallen and their families.