Arizona Flags 100,000 Voters As Possible Non-Citizens ‘Coding Oversight’

4 weeks ago The Democrat Secretary of State in Arizona says even though the state’s election software has flagged 100,000 registered voters as noncitizens, he is going to send out ballots to them anyway.
Adrian Fontes saying earlier this week that a ‘coding oversight’ is to blame and he is not willing to disenfranchise this many voters by limiting them, suddenly, and with little notice, to a federal-only ballot. That’s because you are not required to provide proof of citizenship when voting in federal elections.
The mistake impacts people who got their driver’s licenses before October 1996 and then received duplicates before registering to vote after 2004.
Arizona has required proof of U.S. citizenship to vote in state and local elections Since 2005. Without this proof voters are considered "federal only" voters, allowing them to vote solely on presidential and congressional elections.