Border Crisis Rages As Kamala Harris Makes Campaign Stop At Border In Arizona

1 day ago Kamala Harris making her first trip to the US Mexico border – since becoming the border Czar back in 2021 – She’ll be stopping in the Tucson Arizona sector; however many are calling her visit a political stunt after policies from her administration caused record high illegal crossings over the last 3 and half years – numbers getting as high as 235,000 illegal crossings in a single month.
Plus, videos are being shared showing what it was like last December, in the very place Harris will be visiting, showing massive amounts of illegal men from all over the world, piles of trash and even descriptions saying the smell of feces was overwhelming.
According to CBP During the Biden – Harris Administration more than 9 million illegals have come into the country not including the more than 2 million got-aways however border experts believe that number is closer to 20 million.