Jenna Ellis Tonight, May 3, 2024

36 weeks ago Jeff Myers - Columbia University seems to be the centerpiece of the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests that have been going on all across the country. with some of these protests turning violent, students have been arrested. Some school administrators and faculty have asked for clemency for these students. Should they not be held accountable for their actions?
Ken Tashjy - House Republicans held a press conference this week to discuss the protests on multiple campuses across the U.S. and more specifically to discuss defunding some of these major universities. Virginia Fox, Education and Workforce Committee Chairwoman, spoke on the matter.
Jeff Hunt - The pro-Hamas protests have become increasingly more violent. Are the universities to blame? Plus, Kristi Noem torpedoed her chances of becoming the vice president with her recent memoirs where she recalled shooting and killing her 14-month-old farm dog. What was she thinking adding this to the book and where was her PR team?